An Open Letter from our Co-Founder Patience Chuku
Our Co Founder
Ms. Patience Chuku

An Open Letter from our Co-Founder
It is a huge step for any of us to take – to invite a stranger into our home, our sanctuary. And it’s an even bigger step to take when there is a lot going on in our home. I can’t imagine how much more enormous it must be for clients that have so much they are trying to grapple with, including the fact that they now HAVE TO have a stranger in their home helping with activities that they once thought were simple and routine.
As you begin to explore home care solutions, what if you invited people that feel like family into your home instead? That’s how we want to be seen by you. When I am invited to meet with a new client, I don’t want them to meet a stranger at the door.
I want them to meet family. Home care can help you maintain some control of your life, as out of control your life may sometimes feel right now. Therefore, finding a home care company that will partner with you is an important decision for you. You want care partners who will adjust with you as you adjust and will help your home maintain a feeling of comfort and safety.
Dealing with illness or injury or a chronic life altering condition can feel overwhelming and potentially anxiety causing. We want to help you with that by taking some of the stress out of the home care process. For some, home care, it is a new phase of your life; for others it is a reality you’ve had to deal with for a while. However, it is a phase that, with the right support, guidance, “patience” and “grace” you can master and succeed at. Needing assistance at home – that does not re-define who you are! You are still capable, independent, smart and resilient!
It was my late husband’s and my mission with Grace Healthcare to help our clients deal with this phase of their lives. We saw our work in a way as a gift – to be allowed to care for you in the one place you look to for comfort and security, your home. Therefore, it is my promise to you that we will respect your space like it is our own. We will adjust to you and your needs, never pushing our wants on you. We won’t violate your privacy or try to change your belief systems. We won’t dictate, we will just listen. We offer our experience dealing with the issues you are facing and will look after your or your loved one’s safety and progress. We want your plan to succeed and we see the role we will play in making that happen.
It may be strange having us in your home, helping you deal with situations you never anticipated or planned for or even wanted, but we hope and pray to never be strangers to you. We hope that we can not only start this journey with you as a partner, but also be there to watch you march over the victory line!
Patience Chuku